This is the Soap Monster.
I have been wanting to order a Soap Monster from Bramble Berry for quite some time. But I was afraid of it. Recently I called myself a little chicken, decided to get over it, and took the plunge ordered glycerin soap base from Bramble Berry in 25 pound boxes. Yes. Boxes, plural.
I love Bramble Berry’s bases because I feel that they are as close to natural as I’m going to get in a pre-made glycerin base at an affordable price. This is their premium clear base that I have been using since I started making soap. I dubbed it the soap monster because cutting up a 25 pound block of glycerin soap base seemed intimidating. Even after reading the SoapQueen Tutorial on Cutting Blocks of soap, I was intimidated.
First I want to say thank you to my Dad and my Girl Scout leaders for some great training on knife safety and proper handling of knives. This information was invaluable as I tackled the soap blocks. If you ever do this, make sure you know and follow proper knife safety.
Here’s the box the soap came in. It’s about 13 x 10 x 5 inches. The soap was poured directly into a plastic
bag inside the box.
I started by cutting off a strip of soap about 1” wide from
the side of the block. Glycerin soap base is interesting to work with. It's sticky and slippery all at once. It requires a good deal of caution and a bit of elbow grease.
The one inch slice you see above had some bubbles that needed to be shaved
Here's the progress - this is about 2 pounds out of the 25.
Almost halfway finished!
It turns out the Soap Monster isn't really a monster after all. Cutting up the block wasn’t difficult; it just took a little time. I had no reason to be intimidated. So if you're considering buying lots of glycerin soap base, this is definitely a great way to go.
I’m happy with what I got
done this time around and will save the rest for another day.
Thanks for reading!