Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Scones

When I saw this recipe on Sweet Pea’s Kitchen,
I vowed to try it.
I often see things and Pin them.
I have good intentions of trying them.
This is the first time I VOWED to make something.
They looked that good.
The results?
They are wonderful!
And easy to make.
They are smothered in two glazes.
One plain.
One with pumpkin spice.
There were only two problems.
The batch was too small.
Way . . . too . . . small.
Next time (tomorrow?) I’ll double it.
Sweet Pea says to let them cool before glazing them.
Then let the glaze set for another hour.
I couldn’t wait.
I put the first glaze on while they were still warm.
The second glaze immediately followed.
They were delightful.
Definitely worth the hour it took to make them.
Thanks, Sweet Pea, for the delicious recipe!
If you have a minute, scoot on over to
There are lots of great recipes there.
I found a few other scone recipes I might try.
I probably won’t let those cool before eating either.
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Domino Soaps

Last week was a soapy fun week.
I made several new novelty glycerin soaps.

One of the newbies is this domino soap.
It is for sale on Etsy in sets of 24.
 There are so many possibilities.
White with Black Dots
Black with White Dots
White with Pink Dots
I also want to make a set like this.
White background.
Different colored dots for each number.
Now you know what I’ll be doing this week!

I’ll show you more of last week’s soaps in a few days.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Preggo Pack Lip Balm Set

Here's the newest member of SoapArt's Lip Balm family.

Preggo Pack Lip Balm Set

The cute little frog isn't included in the pack.
He just seeemed like a fun model to use with these.

These lip balms are just the ticket to ease those late night cravings.
At least for a while until the real thing arrives!
Sets are listed on Etsy now.
The dill pickle lip balm is just like the real thing.
It smells quite delicious.
It comes across more dilly than vinegary to me.
The vanilla ice cream lip balm is sweet and creamy.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Honey Almond Soap Cut

Recently I showed you loaves of Honey Almond soap from scratch. 
If you missed that post, here it is.
See how light the color of the above soap loaf is?
Since then the loaves have been cut.
One Batch Just After the Cut.
Another Batch Just After Being Cut
A Few Days After the Cut
As the soap continues to cure,
The inside color will match the outside.
The fragrance oil causes the soap to darken over time.
The soap on the left has a pattern embedded on the top.
The soap on the right has a thin line of cocoa powder in it.
I hope the line of cocoa powder still shows up.
Even after the soap fully darkens.
The soap has cured and is ready to be enjoyed.
It still smells wonderful!
The Honey Almond scent is staying nice and strong.
 Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sugar Cookie Soaps

These soaps are so real looking.
I had one sitting on the counter.
I kept wanting to take a bite.
A friend was helping me with soap.
She thought they were real cookies.
They smell delicious.
Just like frosted sugar cookies.
These are now available in my Etsy Shop.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Brown Sugar Fig Cold Processed Soap

It’s been a long time since I made a loaf of Brown Sugar Fig soap. 
I think it was four years ago.
A friend recently got the last bar that I had tucked aside.
Cold processed soap just gets better with age.
It lasts longer.
It's even milder.
It has a crazy amount of bubbles.
She loved it!
She also loves my oatmeal soap.

This is the result of combining those two soaps into one.

The entire loaf is fragranced with Brown Sugar Fig.
I added some oatmeal to the uncolored portion.
That will add the exfoliation she likes.
This is just about finished curing.
Most of the soap is is already spoken for.
But I’ll set a bar or two aside for my Etsy Shop.
Let me know if you want one.
Thanks for reading!