Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day 2013

It's Mother's Day.
Oops! You didn't forget, did you?
In case you did,
Quick run and pick up some handmade soap for Mom.
She'll love it.

Here's what we got for my Mom for Mother's Day.
Want one?
We got it from Doherty's Flowers in Des Moines.
They did the flowers for our wedding.

That was a few years ago.
They did a wonderful job then.
And they still do a wonderful job today.

I am so thankful for my Mom.
I love her for who she is
And for who I am because of her.

I wasn't easy to raise.
Just ask her. She knows.
Oh, she'll be kind about what she tells you.
But raising me was definitely a challenge.

I appreciate my Mom more all the time.
My respect for her has grown through the years.
Especially as we raised our children.
I can't count how many times I wondered how she did it.
For Example:
How to you settle down giggling kids at bedtime?
How do you drop them off on that first day of school?
How do you get them to eat their vegetables?

I don't understand how much she has done for me.
Or how much she continues to do.
However, once I had children of my own,
I believe I began to understand some of it.
And I felt more loved than ever.

My Mom has always be creative and crafty.
Crafty in the making things kind of way.
She passed along her love of creating to me.
So there's a little part of her in the soaps I make.
Not literally.
You know what I mean.

Mom, I hope you know that
I am very thankful that God gave me to you.
I love you.
Happy Mother's Day!

Here's what we got for my husband's Mom for Mother's Day
This delicious Handmade Traditional English Fudge
Is available at TeaAtTheBrits on Etsy.

Of course, I had to try some before
Giving it as a gift.
And then I had to try some more.
Addicted? Who, me?

Miriam from TeaAtTheBrits was kind enough to send
A Couple of orders of this fudge
Directly to Hubby's Mom.
That was good.
That way, we know she got ALL of the fudge.
Not just the left overs from what I couldn't resist taste testing.
Like there would have been any left overs.

 Hubby's Mom is my Mother-in-Love.
I am blessed that God put me in my husband's family.
My Mother-in-Love is a
Wonderful mentor and friend.
Thank you for that.
Happy Mother's Day!

These are my grown up kids.
I couldn't be more proud of them.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms who read this.
I hope you have a lovely day.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Jean- you have the best looking kids. You must be so proud of them.

    1. Aw,thanks, Michele. We are proud of them :-) The picture above is a re-creation of one they had taken when they were little. The years in between the photos sure went by quickly!
