I keep pinching myself to make sure it's true.
I'm at the soap conference!!!!!!!
Here's a picture for proof.
Get ready to be impressed.
This lovely creation was submitted to the soaper's showcase.
Yes, it's soap.
My photo doesn't do it justice.
If I can get a better one, I'll post it later.
See the huge bag the gal to the right is carrying?
That's a goody bag full of gifts.
Every conference attendee gets one.
Yes, to each attendee.
I have 4 of these in my Bramble Berry shopping cart.
It's 4 inches square and holds about one pound of soap.
I've been wanting one.
For how long, you ask?
Ever since Bramble Berry introduced it.
Now I have one.
This is a 9 cavity silicone sphere mold.
I already have some of these.
I'm not telling you how many.
I love them.
Now I have one more!
I use them to make soaps like these.
I got this great coupon book!
Some Brazilian clay and activated charcoal.
The goodies from Bramble Berry
Included oils and fragrance,
Clay and Charcoal,
Everything but the equipment (safety first, please!),
Lye and water
To make a batch of soap
In this cute little mold.
They even included the recipe.
And directions.
If you are thinking about making cold process soap,
But are concerned about the ingredients,
Or about the process,
It includes everything in my pictures,
And more!
It's a low risk, low investment
Way to try out cold process soap making.
Check back soon for more conference updates!
I better get going -
I have a full day of soapy fun
Headed my way tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!